Danger Lurks Beneath Your Kitchen Sink

Dangers copyI used to have my arsenal of spray bottles and aerosol cans of window and glass cleaning products under my sink, like many of you … BUT NO MORE!  I had always thought that in order to really get things clean you needed strong chemical solutions, and latex gloves to protect your hands while you used them. Most folks are unaware of the fact that butyl cellosolve is a chemical commonly found in glass cleaners.  It is easily absorbed through the skin (wear your latex gloves). Too much of it can irritate mucous membranes (wear a mask, or don’t inhale and be sure to cove your eyes and keep your mouth closed), and may cause liver and kidney damage www.osha.gov/dts/sltc/methods/organic/org083/org083.html

Furthermore, there is strong evidence that the ammonia that grandma used to use for glass cleaning, and which is still an ingredient in many glass cleaning products, is a human  immune and respiratory toxicant or allergen.  www.ewg.org/skindeep/ingredient/700353/AMMONIA

Why use these dangerous products, repeatedly buying them along with the protective gear when you can have clean, streak free windows and mirrors by using a simple cloth and plain water. I’d love to prove it to you!   With water from your tap and a Norwex Envirocloth and Glass Polishing Cloth you can make your window and glass surface cleaning safer for you and your family, while protecting the environment at the same time.  I hope you’ll check it out.  If you have questions I’ll be happy to answer them, and tell you more about the great Norwex products for other areas of your home.  I use them … you can too!

You May Not Do Windows … But NORWEX Does!

305002-Window-ClothGetting windows clean quickly isn’t easy. In addition, many of today’s popular glass and window cleaners contain harmful chemicals, like butyl cellosolve and ammonia. And using paper towels to clean just adds to the problem of overloaded landfills and deforestation.

The solution is the Norwex Window Cloth gets windows and other glass and shiny surfaces clean and streak-free with just water. No harmful chemicals are left behind to smear or distort light, and no paper towels are needed, which means less landfill waste and less paper dust in your home.